Do you have a AAA Card? Do you have an iPhone? Get the AAA Roadside App for FREE!

If you need roadside assistance you no longer need to wait on hold. AAA, America’s leader in Emergency Roadside Service with 51 million members, has a new way for you to contact them for roadside service using the AAA Roadside iPhone App. If you need assistance, the application, among many other things, uses the iPhone’s built in location functions to send your location information to AAA, stores your AAA membership info, and sends a confirmation acknowledging your request. In addition, you can use the app to find AAA Approved Auto Repair facilities.

To learn more about the AAA Roadside application, click on the link below.

AAA Roadside iPhone Application
AAA Roadside iPhone Application

I just put the app on my iPhone and updated my profile (AAA Member Number and Vehicle Info). It took just a few minutes. Do this now when you are at home and not stuck in your car!

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Michael Gray

Mike has roots in the automotive service industry. He began diagnosing and fixing cars at a young age in his family’s service station. He has worked in automotive parts supply stores, towing companies, and service facilities. After graduating from St. Cloud State University (MN) with a Bachelor’s degree, he implemented and taught a basic car care program at the high school level. During work on his Master’s degree at Illinois State University (IL), he was a curriculum specialist on a National Science Foundation project where he co-authored ten integrated mathematics, science, and technology books designed for team teaching. Mike has also supervised teachers in Career and Technology Education as a school system administrator.

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